Looking to improve the safety of your workplace during emergency situations? Our photoluminescent signs are exactly what you need! These items are designed to illuminate in the dark when a light source is blurred by power interruption, fire, or smoke.
Here at PrintiXels, we specialize in printing and manufacturing affordable customized glow in the dark, photoluminescent signs that absorb and store ambient light, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year! In case of power failure, these indoor safety signs will illuminate brightly enough to be seen and provide visual guidance to the nearest exit. With luminous path markers displayed at your premises, building occupants will be able to evacuate safely down staircases and through pathways even in total darkness.
As a foremost supplier and installer of glow in the dark signs in Cavite, Laguna, and Metro Manila, Philippines, we carry a range of custom printed stickers and signages in a variety of sizes and materials.

Types of Photoluminescent Signages We Provide:
• Exit signs
• Fire escape routes
• Floor / path markers
• Building maps
• Evacuation plans
• Fire extinguisher signs
• Stairwell numbering
• Directional indicators
• Map holders
• And other emergency and safety signs!

With the firm commitment to quality, our company offers top-notch signages using the best possible fluorescent or luminous materials that can absorb energy from ambient light sources. They are consistently visible in darkness and require no energy and maintenance. We provide luminous signs, letters, and graphics with either a laser-cut acrylic panel or a sintra board backing, with adhesive / double-sided tape.
If you'd like to learn more about our photoluminescent signs, feel free to get in touch with us! We cater to a wide variety of clients across different industry sectors such as manufacturing, hospitality, property management, transportation, government, and many more. Our products can be customized to meet any requirement and we will work within your budget.
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